We’ve made a new friend, dubbed Hamilton James Squirrel, esq.  Hammy is now officially Braghan’s mascot and can occasionally be seen building his nest on the rooftop of the house next to ours. He looks to be a grey squirrel, bushy tail and all (though not as flamboyantly bushy as some – he’s modest, you know). Sometimes we leave little edible presents for him. The other day as we sat on our rooftop veranda, sipping coffee, reading, and grading papers, I felt obliged to offer him the remains of my bagel and cream cheese. This as an homage to Foamy the Squirrel, surely. We assume from Foamy’s example that all squirrels appreciate the bagels and creamy cheese. As he nestles in for the winter, we hope he has stored up a sufficient amount of nuts.

For further updates on Hammy, I refer you to the Braghan and Squirrel page.