Today, I secured my living situation from November 1, 2011 to May 31, 2013. Yes! Awesome little one bedroom apartment in Dover, you are MINE! Here I come!

But wait… not yet. I still need somewhere for October. My temporary housing situation is about to run out in two weeks and I still haven’t figured out where I’ll be storing myself and all of my belongings for the greatest month of the year (Hello? Halloween? Fall colours? Apples? Caramel? Sweaters? Pumpkins? Air I can breathe?).

Something will work out, I’m sure. In the meantime, all I’ve been craving is a moment to write a poem. It’s been a busy week; I’m exhausted. But I couldn’t end my day without jotting down a few lines. For inspiration, I thought of Craig. Some sappy sap for you, boss:

No Closure Wanted

Give me your genius –
all the work
you were going to do.

Give me advice;
I’ll give you the credit.

Keep pointing your finger.
Help me love.

Write with me.