I know I am long, long, long overdue for a post here. The past few months have been chock-a-block full of interesting morsels. However, I’ll save that for a later post (with explanation of my absence). Today, I just want to share a small moment of poetry and one of my greatest loves – the ocean.

Ocean Portal has been asking all month long for ocean odes, in honor of National Poetry Month. It has taken me a while to getting around to it, but I’ve finally decided to sit down and compose mine today. There are several animals of the sea that keep in my heart; one of them is the sea turtle. This is the poem I posted on their site (and on their Facebook page):

Ode to Sea Turtles

almost as if you fly
with those wings
you call flippers
like some giant UFO
flapping and weaving
through the blue
you ancient mariner
who never vanishes
however old you are
you were born
wiser than us all

There are still a couple more days left in the month. If you find a moment, spare a few words and pay homage to the big blue.